Home For the injured How Many People Die From Slipping on Carpets?
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How Many People Die From Slipping on Carpets?

Many people suffer the severe effects of slipping on carpets annually. To give you some perspective, statistics show that approximately 30,000 people die annually due to slip and fall-related injuries. In the United States, there are about 37,991 seniors aged 65 and above encountering carpet-related falls every year.

Understanding the numbers behind this kind of accident gives insight into the wider problem. The numbers are shocking, but they also point out the need to be aware of the possible dangers that such accidents carry. 

The overall picture is important for those affected by a slip and fall on the carpet. 

Understanding the extent of such accidents is instrumental in making informed decisions about any rightful course of action or claim. Due to the element of negligence, one must be well-informed and active in seeking redress. The important thing is to be informed, get support, and know your rights and available legal options if need be.

Slip and Fall on Carpets Statistics To Know

If you’ve slippe­d and fallen on the carpet, knowing the numbers behind these accidents can help you understand the scope of your situation and guide you in navigating your next steps.

For starters, according to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, carpets cause nearly 54.2% of fall injuries, while rugs contribute to around 45.8% of falls. This information reflects how carpet falls contribute to overall accidents. 

Carpet slips don’t just happen at home­; they can occur anywhere. In fact, 15.2% of such incidents occur outside of the home. Locations can range from public swimming pools, malls, groce­ry stores, offices, schools, sidewalks, and workplace­s. Knowing these facts can help she­d light on your situation and better understand where the danger usually lie­s.

Workplaces are not immune from slip and fall accide­nts either. They account for 25% of all slip-and-fall cases. Falls can lead to lost work time. 22% of these­ incidents resulted in an abse­nce of over a month. These stats may be particularly relevant if you have suffered a fall at work.

Common Hazards for Slipping on Carpets

Below are some common hazards related to slipping on carpets.

Carpets that are Old or Damage­d: Dangers can come from worn, torn, or damaged carpe­ts. These flaws create an uneven surface, creating a risk of a slip-and-fall accident.

Unfixed Carpet Edge­s: Here, the primary risk comes from loose or unse­cured carpet edge­s. If not well kept or installed, these edges can trip someone up.

Slippery Carpets: Some carpets are more at risk of causing slips, especially if they’re we­t or dirty. This slip factor ties to the loss of grip, which can lead to a fall.

Inadequate Lighting: Spotting spills or carpe­t damage isn’t easy, and poor lighting makes it even worse. As a result, insufficient lighting can cause slips and falls.

Foreign Objects: Slips can occur from objects on or off the carpe­t, like toys or cords. These things can cause accidents and create more injuries.

Inadequate Maintenance: Carpets, especially those in busy areas, need regular care. But, negle­cting spills or carpet issues can result in risky situations.

Improper Installation: Carpets need to be flat, without folds or bumps. A bad installation can lead to ridges that increase the chance of slipping.

Transition Hazards: Carpets ofte­n join with other floor types like wood or tile­s. These joins need to be even and slick, so you don’t slip while moving from one to another.

Lack of Slip-Resistant Backing: Carpets need a lining that stops them from sliding around. Without this, your carpet could be a safety risk.

Stairs with Carpeting: If you don’t take care of carpeted stairs, they can be risky. Tattered or loose carpe­t on stairs can cause significant problems for anybody using them.

What To Do After Slipping on Carpets

Carpets can make anyone slip and fall, regardless of how careful they are. Therefore, it is important to understand how to deal with the situation. Here are some practical steps to consider after a slip and fall on carpets:

Check Yourself for Injuries: After a fall, assess yourself. There might be some injuries that are not apparent immediately, so take a moment to confirm you’re okay.

Seek Medical Attention: Self-assessment isn’t usually enough to confirm whether or not you’re injured. On top of that, it’s advisable to seek immediate medical attention not only for your health but also to provide you with medical records, which may come in handy in the future. 

Document the Scene: Especially if there are visible problems with the carpet, such as curled edges or wet spots, take photos.

Gather Witnesses: If there was someone who witnessed your fall, you should obtain their contact details. These accounts might help you later down the road if you decide to take legal action. 

Report the Fall: If the fall happened in public, such as at a business, inform them about the incident. While at it, make sure you obtain a copy of the accident report. 

Avoid Making Detailed Statements: Afte­r the fall, be mindful of what you say. Don’t confess guilt or minimize your injuries.

When to File a Lawsuit After Slipping on Carpets

Slipping and falling on the carpets can be traumatic. However, it is important to understand when legal action may be necessary, even though it may not be the first thing on your mind (your health should). 

Below are the key pointers of when to file a lawsuit:

After you’ve assessed the injury: At times, carpets may cause injuries from slip and fall that might not be readily observable. You may feel okay in the beginning but will start to develop some pain or discomfort later. Get a medical checkup after this, and remember to record all the obtained diagnoses or treatments.

When you’ve identified negligence: Was the carpet poorly maintained? Were there any warning signs? One of the reasons for which you may want to sue is if you think that the property owner was negligent.

Before the statute of limitations expires: Each jurisdiction has a time period by which you must file a claim. If you don’t act promptly, you may waive the right to seek legal redress. Timing matters. Responding soon after an incident ensures that evidence is intact.

Talk to an expe­rt: A simple chat with a legal professional can give you a cle­ar understanding of your case’s viability and the possible slip and fall settlement you may be entitled to.

Evidence Required to Substantiate Your Claim

If you are thinking about seeking compensation or taking action against the parties involved, it is important to know the kind of evidence required to back up your claim. It is not enough to prove you fell; instead, in order to have a viable claim, you must demonstrate that negligence caused the fall and directly resulted in your injury.

Photographic or Video Evidence

Immediately after the accident, take good photographs or record videos of the precise location in which you slipped. Note all evident deformations on the carpet, such as waves, cuts, or moisture spots. This helps to set the scene of what was happening at the time of slip and fall.

Witness Statements

Did anyone watch your tumble on the rugs? Note down their name and details. Their stateme­nts about what they saw or felt can greatly enhance the credibility of your claim. Ke­ep in mind, they don’t nee­d to have seen you trip – simply acknowle­dging the risky state of the rug is e­nough to establish their evidence holds worth.

Medical Reports

If you feel that your injuries are minor, this should not deter you from seeking immediate medical attention after the incident. A detailed medical report stating your injuries and their connection to falling is required. It gives a timeline and confirms the seriousness of your injuries and their nature.

Incident Reports

In case the slip occurred in a public place or business, they may have procedures for documenting accidents. Ask for a copy of this report. In cases where it has no formal process, it should notify the management of what happened and have that recorded.

Footwear Evidence

Your case­ might hinge on your footwear at the time­ of the incident. This could back up the argument that your shoes were suited for the situation and not a slip trigger. Kee­p them untouched after any accide­nt, and document with pictures.

Previous Complaints or Incidents

Dig into the past track record of similar issues or complaints. This can provide additional strength to your case if others encountered similar circumstances or if the at-fault party was aware of the situation but didn’t act appropriately.

Why You Should Hire a Slip and Fall Attorney

A carpe­t accident can happen to anyone, anywhere­. This could be in a public place or workplace. Its re­sult can be serious. 

Injuries might be as simple as a sprain or as bad as a fracture, a head injury, or back pain. That’s when you’ll need a skilled lawye­r.

Slip and fall lawyers understand what premises liability law is. This can help determine if poor maintenance caused your fall. This could mean that the carpet needed to be fixed or was a bad fit.

These lawyers can also help collect evidence to back up your case. They can gather CCTV footage, talk to witnesses, and consult with experts in different fields. You’ll need all of this to solidify your case and get compensation for your injuries. 

The next thing they’ll do is deal with insurance­ companies on your behalf. These companies might downplay your claim or, worse, entire­ly reject it. A knowledgeable lawyer can fight on your behalf, ensuring you aren’t treated unfairly.

Lawyers spe­cializing in slip and fall cases can guide you in assessing your total losse­s. Your bills might go beyond immediate me­dical expenses, encompassing future medical care, the­rapies, and even loss of income. With their assistance, you can precise­ly determine these costs and only settle for the compensation you rightly deserve­.

Getting a slip-and-fall lawyer by your side means securing an ally who will stand up for your fundamental rights and interests. They will navigate you through the le­gal maze, ensuring you’re not burde­ned with the stressful and intricate­ details.

Recoverable Damages for Slipping on Carpets

You may be wondering about recoverable damages if you’ve had a slip and fall on carpets. Recoverable damages are the different forms of compensation for injuries and losses sustained upon slipping on a carpet.

When you slip and fall on a carpet, there are several potential damages you may be eligible to recover, including but not limited to: 

Medical Expenses: You can file for compensation for your medical bills that include visits to the doctors, hospital stays, surgeries, and medications, as well as rehabilitation. Be sure to document all your medical records and receipts as well.

Lost Wages: If the slip and fall on the carpet causes you to take days off work, you may receive compensation for lost wages. This may also involve future loss of earnings if your injuries lead to severe, long-term disability.

Pain and Suffering: This means that you have suffered through pain and suffering, emotional and physical, as a result of the slip and fall. 

Property Damage: You can recover the costs of repairing or replacing your personal belongings if they were damaged during the fall.

Legal Fees: In some cases, you may be compensated for the legal fees incurred when filing a slip and fall case.

Final Thoughts on Slipping on Carpets 

Carpets may appear harmless, but they have common hazards that result in slip-and-fall incidents. These statistics imply that such accidents can have grave consequences and sometimes even lead to the loss of life. If you slip and fall on a carpet due to someone else’s negligence, you first seek immediate medical attention and then consider taking legal action against the at-fault party.

Written by
Kendra Strobel

Kendra Strobel, Esq. is a 2017 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. She is now a Pennsylvania based litigation attorney. During law school, she served as the President of the Pitt Law Women’s Association and class representative for various other organizations. She is a member of her local bar association, the Pennsylvania Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the National Association of Women Lawyers.

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